And ( 4) other cases that do not require a conciliation statement. (四)其他不需要制作调解书的案件。
For example, let's say that Purify reports a UMR error that surprises you because you do see a statement in your program that initializes that memory. 例如,让我们假设Purify报告了一个令您吃惊的UMR错误,因为您确实看到一个初始化您的程序的语句。
You could do that using an if statement ( see Listing 12). 应该使用if语句进行此工作(请参见清单12)。
Because Groovy is a dynamically typed language, defs do not require any type declarations for parameters, nor do defs require a return statement. 因为Groovy是动态类型的语言,所以def不需要对参数作任何类型声明,def也不需要return语句。
In V8 you can use the MERGE statement to do this in one statement rather than many executions of separate statements, and performance should be better. 在V8中可以使用MERGE语句独立完成上述任务,而不必多次执行不同的语句,从而性能也就更好一些。
We wrap everything we do in an eval statement, since we don't want our program to die when an error occurs during execution. 因为不希望程序在出现执行错误时终止,所以将所有操作放在eval语句中。
I do not see any connect statement in spcat. 在spcat中我没有看到任何connect语句。
We recommend you do not use this statement to rename stored procedures, triggers, user-defined functions, or views; instead, drop the object and re-create it with the new name. 我们建议您不要使用此语句来重命名存储过程、触发器、用户定义函数或视图;而是删除该对象,然后使用新名称重新创建该对象。
Sir, do you have a statement for us tonight? 长官,今晚您有没有什么指示?
I do not agree with your last statement. 我不同意你最后的陈述。
Do I receive a monthly statement? 我会收到每个月的结账单吗?
And investors, regulators and the courts simply do not believe his statement that "News Corporation is not Rupert Murdoch". 因此投资者、监管部门和法庭根本不相信他所说的“新闻集团不能和鲁珀特默多克划等号”。
How do the income statement and the balance sheet relate to one another? 损益表和资产负债表之间是如何互相联系的?
Repetitive execution of the same statement or statements, usually controlled by a do statement. 同一语句或语句组的重复执行,通常由do语句控制。
You either declare thing or you do not. statement of applicant's family background 你要么申报,要么不申报。申请人家庭状况申报书
Where do you wish your bank statement to be sent? 各下希望银行的月结单寄去哪里?
For these reasons, we do not make a written statement the test of faith. 因为这些理由,我们不使一份书面的陈述成为信心的测试。
If your entire thought is based on science, then why do you use a philosophical statement as your foundation? 如果你的整个思维是建立在科学的基础上,那你为什么用哲学声明作为基础呢?
No matter whatever the British Aikido Board do, that damning statement below will hang over their shameless heads for ever and a day. 不管出于什麽英帝国议会做,即脱党声明下面将笼罩在其无耻校长有史以来一天。
Statement ensures that multiple threads do not execute the statement block at the same time. 语句确保不会同时有多个线程执行该语句块。
There is no interruption of the overall impression by small parts that have nothing to do with the object's statement. 整体的印象没有被与表达无关的小部分打断。
We do not make this statement lightly. 我们的这一结论并非轻率做出的。
Departments directly under the signature by the person in charge will be thoroughly examined to do for the city in statement. 市直各部门经负责人签章后,将摸底表报市编办审核。
Well, I do have an opening statement. 我是有一个开场白。
Idle Loop and Do Events Statement 闲置循环与DoEvents语句
As for whether warships also enjoy the innocent passage right, the Conventions do not give a clear statement. 对于军舰是否享有无害通过权,由于公约规定不是十分明确,因此无论是理论上,还是世界各国的实践上,对于这个问题都是意见不一。
It is necessary to do the environmental impact statement while making the main layout of land-use for the implement of the plan may have the irreversible impact on the environment. 土地利用总体规划的实施给环境带来的影响是不可逆转的,在土地利用总体规划编制阶段,开展规划环境影响评价研究十分必要。
Second, advocate comprehensive learning and inquiry learning, although do not have a direct statement that "wen xin", but on the teaching practice is a perfect interpretation of comprehensive learning and inquiry learning. 第二,主张综合性学习和研究性学习,虽然《文心》没有这样直接的表述,但是教学实践上却是对综合性学习和研究性学习的完美诠释。